— Naming facts

What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene II

The concept of naming in Defernia facts is simple: every fact doesn’t have its name but references do. Assume that there are two character facts A and B and a relationship that B is a mather of A and A call his mather “Su Gorgias”. Thus “Su Gorgias” is a name of B.

In this concept, every fact’s names can be multiple. Assume that there are three character facts A, B and C; B is a mother of A and A call his mother “Su Gorgias”; C is a father of A; B and C are married and C call his wife “郭譽”. Thus B has her two names: “Su Gorgias” and “郭譽”.

As a result, names can be weighted by the number of references. The weightiest names become the canonical names automatically.


The mapping table that contains existing names of the fact. Each value has a list of back references and each key has their common name. It implements collections.Mapping interface.

For example, assume that there are several relationships between some facts:

  • B calls A, his daughter, 郭譽.
  • C calls A, his mother, 憲宗.
  • D calls A, his mother, 憲宗.
  • E calls A, his wife, Su Gorgias.

And assume also there is a fact object a that represents the below A, and then its NameMap will work like: (non-ASCII characters are unescaped for readability)

>>> names = NameMap(a)  
>>> list(names)  
[u'憲宗', u'Su Gorgias', u'郭譽']
>>> [(name, len(refs)) for name, refs in names.items()] 
[(u'憲宗', 2), (u'Su Gorgias', 1), (u'郭譽', 1)]

As you can guess from the below example, it works like a sorted map: these are sorted by their number of references. Moreover there is the property that contains the canonical name: canon.

Parameters:fact (Fact) – the fact what the names are of
fact = None

(Fact) The fact what the names are of.


(basestring) The canonical name of the fact. It can be None when there are no names for the fact.

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